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London Boroughs Quiz: Camden You Get Them All Right?

There are lots of boroughs in London, and each of them are slightly different, but how well do you know them?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

From Southwark to Enfield, London is a big place full of the hustle and bustle that makes it a truly great city full of brilliant people and beautiful sights! But do you know your way around? Are you the London expert? There is only one way to find out - can you Hackney the challenge? Let’s find out once and for all!

1/10 A woman thinks about serious things, like the first question on a quiz

Finish the name of this Borough: Kingston Upon…

2/10 A monkey counts their fingers

How many Boroughs are there in London?

3/10 A man in armour tries to remember the right word

What is the old name for a Borough?

4/10 A tourist thinks about difficult questions

What is the oldest Borough in London?

5/10 A medieval peasant points at a burger

If you said ‘Burg’ to question 3, well done! But what does this ancient word mean?

A man with a dog's head considers a compass

Which side of the river is Haringey?

7/10 A woman thinks about London

What is the most northern London Borough?

8/10 An enormous pigeon looks at the Arsenal football stadium

What Borough is the football team Arsenal in?

9/10 A pug dog looks at a globe

The Borough of Barnet has the oldest 'what' in London?

10/10 A man with a sloth's head is confused

Crystal Palace is a town in the Borough of Bromley, but what strange animals can be found in the park there?

Oh dear! It looks like your knowledge of the London boroughs could do with a bit of improvement! But that’s ok, thankfully London has lots of maps in it so you probably won’t get lost so long as you stay near a tube station! It was a good effort, but we think you can do better, why not have another go and see if you can score higher?

Nice! Not bad, you know a thing or two about London and the 32 boroughs, not many people get this far! You definitely won’t be getting lost any time soon, although you might need to ask for directions every five minutes, you’ll be okay! Why not have another go at the quiz and see if you can score higher, go on, you Camden do it!

Great score! Well done! You know almost everything there is to know about the boroughs of London and you’ve shown that right here! Excellent work, there aren’t many people out there that could do better on this quiz so give yourself a round of applause, but if you think you can do better, why not have another go at the quiz and see if you can score higher?!

Incredible! You must be Havering a laugh! We’ve never seen scores like this before! You’re a walking map with local knowledge as well! Truly inspiring stuff, this is what quiz victory feels like, enjoy the view from your Tower Hamlets of glory, the world looks small to a winner like you! Nice one!