The Ultimate Henry VIII Wives Quiz
Everyone's heard of Henry VIII - but how well do you know his wives? Find out with this Tudor-tastic quiz!

OK let's start off easy... how many wives did Henry VIII have?

Who was Henry's first wife?

Complete the well-known rhyme about Henry VIII's wives: Divorced, beheaded, died; divorced, beheaded...

As well as being King of England, Henry VIII also ruled over parts of France. True or false?

sixthemusical | instagram
Which of these people was NOT one of Henry VIII's wives?

Wikipedia Commons
50% of Henry's wives were called Catherine. True or false?

One of Henry's wives was rumoured to have an extra finger on her right hand. Which one?

sixthemusical | instagram
What's the name of the musical about Henry VIII's wives?

Who was the last of Henry's wives?

Which of Henry's wives was married to him the longest?

Oh no! Henry isn't best pleased about this!

Not bad - but Henry thinks you can do better!

Pretty good - Henry is (slightly) impressed!

Henry is very pleased with this result. He might not look it, but he is.