Anne Boleyn Quiz
How much do you know about Henry VIII's most notorious wife? Find out with this tremendous Tudor quiz!

Ok history fans, let's start off easy. Who was Anne Boleyn's husband?

What number wife was Anne?

What happened to Anne Boleyn in the end?

Who did Henry marry after Anne Boleyn?

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What song does Anne Boleyn sing in the pop musical Six?

Who was Anne Boleyn's daughter?

Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII had a son together. True or false?

What was the real reason Henry VIII had Anne Boleyn killed?

Anne Boleyn had an extra finger on her right hand. True or false?

How was Anne Boleyn executed?

Anne Boleyn regards yonder score as most unpleasing. Try again?

A humble performance, prithee get yourself hence or have another go!

A satisfying score, but not an excellent one. Lady Boleyn is pleased.

A most excellent score! Lady Boleyn is most enamored of thee! Well done!