Who Said It – Wengie or Max? Guess the Reacticorn Quote!
Wengie and Max's ReactiCorns videos are totally blam. But can you tell us who said what?
Let's go!

Reacticorns | YouTube
“I may be the fake unicorn”

Reacticorns | YouTube
“I like to walk around with no make up”

Reacticorns | YouTube
“Even if your parents saw your Instagram, they’d be like, ‘Nah, I’m out’”

Reacticorns | YouTube
“Picky Miss Pickystockings!"

Reacticorns | YouTube
“If you want to hang out with us tomorrow, feel free. If you don’t, I understand.”

Reacticorns | YouTube
“What did I just witness?”

Reacticorns | YouTube
“I’m staying silent because I’m trying not to laugh”

Reacticorns | YouTube
“I can’t cringe at this video, because I helped film it.”

Reacticorns | YouTube
“You’re funnier than me!”

Reacticorns | YouTube
“I’m good all the time. I deserve ice cream 24-7!”

Reacticorns | YouTube
Oh dear! Did a pet walk all over your device and answer the questions for you? Have another go!

Reacticorns | YouTube
Good try! This was a tricky quiz, wasn't it? But we think this was an admirable effort!

Reacticorns | YouTube
Great work! This was a tricky quiz, but do you did really well!

Reacticorns | YouTube
Awesome! You've really been paying attention to all of the ReactiCorn videos!