The Ultimate ReactiCorns Quiz
How well do you know the ReactiCorns?! Test your knowledge now!
The Ultimate ReactiCorns Quiz

ReactiCorns | YouTube
Who started the ReactiCorns channel?

ReactiCorns | YouTube
What year did they start their channel?

ReactiCorns | YouTube
What did the channel used to be called?

@reacticorns | Instagram
Where did Wengie and Max first meet?

@reacticorns | Instagram
When did Max first notice Wengie?

@reacticorns | Instagram
What year did they become a couple?

@reacticorns | Instagram
Where did they get engaged?

ReactiCorns | YouTube
How many subscribers does ReactiCorns have to the nearest million?

@reacticorns | Instagram
How many cats do Wengie and Max have?

ReactiCorns | YouTube
Which one of Beano.com's quizzes did Wengie and Max recently take on their ReactiCorns channel?

ReactiCorns | YouTube
What is the most watched video on ReactiCorns?

ReactiCorns | YouTube
Keep trying! You'll make the Reacticorns proud next time!

ReactiCorns | YouTube
Nice work! Try again to get a better score!

ReactiCorns | YouTube
You rock! Have one more go and you'll get full marks next time!

ReactiCorns | YouTube
FULL MARKS! Well done - you know everything there is to know about the ReactiCorns