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26 Funny Sleep Jokes to Make You Nappy!

Hopefully you won't drift off with our funny sleep jokes...

Beano Jokes Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024

Don't drop off with our funny sleep jokes. These howlers are chosen to get you the opposite of yawning... so whatever that is, get on it with our jokes about dreams, beds and sleeping!

If you're hankering after more hilarious one-liners, head on over to our weird jokes page! 

Perhaps you'd like to sample our Monday morning jokes buffet or time-themed gag menu? It's really up to you.

What do lions wear to sleep?


Why do chess players sleep?

In a king size bed!

How did the heavy metal guitarist get their baby to have a nap?

They rocked them to sleep!

How do you get a mince pie to sleep?

Sing it a lulla-pie!

Mince pie

What do you call a police officer when they're asleep in bed?

An undercovers cop!

A sleepy police officer

How did the sheep get to sleep?

She counted her friends!

A sheep

What do you call a tired woodcutter?

A slumberjack!

A lumberjack

Why did the little boy take his bicycle to bed with him?

Because he didn't want to sleep walk!

Riding a bike in bed

Some people have difficulty sleeping...

But I can do it with my eyes shut!

Man with his eyes shut

Do you know why I stay up late on weekends?

Because sleep is for the week!

Monday jokes

What do you call a sleeping pizza?


What's huge and grey and sends people to sleep?

A hypno-potamus!

A hippopotamus

What should you do if you can't get to sleep?

Lie on the edge of the bed, you'll soon drop off!

A sleepy person

What happened to the man when he fell asleep with his head under the pillow?

Fairies took all his teeth out!

An elderly gentleman looking a little unhappy

What time do tennis players go to bed?


A smiling tennis ball

Why did the girl run around her bed?

She wanted to catch up on her sleep!

A sleepy woman

What do you call a sleeping bull?

A bulldozer!

A bull

Why did the man eat yeast and shoe polish before he went to bed?

So he could rise and shine!

A sleepy man

Why do dragons sleep during the day?

So they can fight knights!

A knight and a rubber chicken

Where do fish sleep?

On the sea bed!

A fish poking its tongue out

Where do library books like to sleep?

Under their covers!

A pile of books having a nap

What should you do if you find a dinosaur in your bed ?

Find somewhere else to sleep!

A dinosaur

Did you hear the joke about the bed?

I haven't made it yet!

A funny comedian telling a joke

Why did the boy sprinkle sugar on his pillows?

He wanted to have sweet dreams!

A bag of sugar

What do butterflies sleep on?


A butterfly

What do you call a sleeping T-rex?

A dino-snore!
