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82 Doctor Doctor Jokes To Make You Feel Great

We diagnose a case of the giggles! Probably not ones to try out on your GP, but funny doctor jokes and classic doctor, doctor jokes for your collection...

Doctor, doctor jokes have really stood the test of time! Get on board with these classics and some original Beano gems.

When you're cured, head on over to our teacher jokes or ask Why did...? and get some very funny answers!

Knock, knock, who's there? Noble

Noble who? No bell, that's why I'm knocking!

Doctor, Doctor, I think I'm a vampire!

Hmmm, I can't cure that - necks please!

Knock, knock, who's there? Shore

Shore who? Shore hope you like cheesy jokes!

Doctor, Doctor, everyone thinks I'm a liar!

I can't believe that.

Knock, knock! Who's there? Sue!

Sue who? Sue-prise!

Doctor, doctor. I feel like a pack of cards!

I'll deal with you later!

Knock, knock, who's there? Abby!

Abby who? Abby birthday doc!

Doctor, Doctor! I've got wind!

Here's a kite!

Knock, knock. Who's there? Butter

Butter who? Butter let me in, I've got an appointment!

Doctor, Doctor, I feel like I'm invisible!

Who said that?!

Knock, knock. Who's there? Goat

Goat who? Goat to the door to find out!

Doctor, Doctor, I keep hearing a ringing sound!

Then pick up the phone!

Knock, knock, who's there? Weekend

Weekend who? Weekend do whatever we want, doc!

Doctor, Doctor, I think I'm a moth!

Get out of my light!

Doctor Doctor, I think I'm a brain!

Don't worry, it's all in your head

A smiling brain

Doctor, doctor! There's a patient on line 1 that says he's invisible.

Well tell them I can't see him right now!

one liner jokes

Doctor, doctor! My sim has caught fire!


Doctor, doctor! My sim keeps gaining weight!

Did you add an expansion pack?

Doctor, Doctor, I stood on a LEGO!

Try to BLOCK out the pain!

Why did the doctor take a red pen to work?

In case she wanted to draw blood!

Doctor, doctor! Can you give me something for my wind?

Yes, have a kite!

Why did the minion take his banana to the doctor?

It wasn't peeling very well!

Doctor, doctor! I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake.

Next time, take off the candles!

Doctor, doctor! How long can a person live without a brain?

I don't know… How old are you?

Doctor, doctor! I’ve got a mince pie stuck up my nose!

What you need is some cream!

A baby smiling

Why did Santa's helper see the doctor?

Because he had low elf esteem!

elf jokes

Doctor, doctor! I've got broccoli stuck in my ear!

You need to eat more sensibly!

Doctor, doctor! They've dropped me from the cricket team - they call me butterfingers…

Don't worry, what you have is not catching!

Doctor, doctor! They are saying in the waiting room that you've become a vampire...

Necks please!

Doctor, doctor! Every time I stand up quickly, I see Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy.

How long have you been getting these Disney spells?!

Why did the tailor go to the doctor?

He had pins and needles!

Doctor, doctor! My nose runs and my feet smell!

I fear you might have been built upside down!

Why did the axe go to the doctor?

It had a splitting head!

Doctor, doctor! I think I’m shrinking!

Calm down and be a little patient!

Doctor, doctor! What can you give me for the wind?

Here, try this kite!

Doctor, doctor! Will this cream clear up my spots?

I don't make rash promises!

Doctor, doctor! Everyone thinks I’m a liar!

Oh, I can't believe that!

Doctor, doctor! Can I have second opinion?

Of course, come back tomorrow!

Doctor, doctor! Every time I drink a cup of hot chocolate I get a stabbing pain in the eye!

Try taking the spoon out first!

eye jokes

Why did the computer go to the doctor?

It had a virus!

Doctor, doctor! I've swallowed my pocket money!

Take this and we'll see if there's any change in the morning.

Doctor, doctor! I've a strawberry stuck in my ear!

Don't worry, I've some cream for that!

Strawberry jokes

Why did the witch go to the doctor?

She had a dizzy spell!

Doctor, doctor! I’m scared of Father Christmas!

You’re suffering from Claus-trophobia!

Doctor, doctor! Aaa, eee, I, oh! You...

I think you may have irritable vowel syndrome!

Doctor, doctor! I feel like a pony!

Don't worry, you're just a little hoarse!

Doctor, doctor! I think I'm suffering from déjà vu!

Didn't I see you yesterday?

Doctor, doctor! I feel like a pair of wigwams!

The problem is you're too tents!

Doctor, doctor! I feel like a sheep!

Oh that's very baaaaaaaad!

Why did the bread go to the doctor?

It was feeling crummy!

Doctor, doctor! I think I’m a shepherd!

I wouldn't lose any sheep over it!

Doctor, doctor! I keep thinking I’m a burglar!

Have you taken anything for it?!

Doctor, doctor! I've become invisible…

I'm afraid I can't see you now!

Doctor, doctor! I've a little bit of lettuce sticking out of my bottom.

Oh dear, I'm afraid to say it looks like just the tip of the iceberg!

Doctor, doctor! I'm really worried about my breathing!

We'll soon put a stop to that!

Doctor, doctor! I've just swallowed a roll of film!

Come back tomorrow and we'll see what develops!

Doctor, doctor! I keep comparing things with something else!

Don't worry, it's only analogy!

Doctor, doctor! You have to help me out.

Certainly. Which way did you come in?

Doctor, doctor! I'm suffering from insomnia!

Try sleeping at the edge of the mattress, you'll soon drop off!

Doctor, doctor! I think I'm a bell!

Hmm, take these and if it's not better soon, give me a ring!

Doctor, doctor! I keep seeing spinning insects!

Don't worry, there's a bug going around!

Doctor, doctor! I’m addicted to brake fluid!

Nonsense man, you can stop anytime!

Why did the ladybird go to the doctor?

She had spots!

Doctor, doctor! I feel like a carrot!

Don't get yourself in a stew!

Doctor, doctor! I've got amnesia!

Just go home and try to forget about it!

Doctor, doctor! I feel so ill, is there no hope?

It depends what you are hoping for!

Doctor, doctor! I snore so loud I keep myself awake!

Sleep in another room then!

Doctor, doctor! You said I'd be dead in ten - ten what? Years? Months?

10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

Doctor, doctor! Grandad just put a LOT of goose fat all over his back

He'll go downhill fast!

Doctor, doctor! I'm at death's door!

Don't worry, we'll soon pull you through!

Why did the banana go to the doctor?

He wasn't peeling well!

Doctor, doctor! I think I need glasses!

You certainly do missy, this is the fish and chip shop!

Doctor, doctor! I've heard that exercise kills germs - is it true?

Probably, but how do you get the germs to exercise?!

Doctor, doctor! I've gone all crumbly, like a cheese biscuit...

You're crackers!

Doctor, doctor! I keep thinking I'm a caterpillar!

Don't worry, you'll soon change!

Doctor, doctor! I've only got 59 seconds to live!

Just wait a minute, will you?!

Doctor, doctor! People keep ignoring me…

Next please!

Doctor, doctor! I've got acute appendicitis!

You've got a cute little dimple too!

Doctor, doctor! What's the quickest way to get to hospital?

Lie in the road outside!

Doctor, doctor! I keep seeing spots before my eyes. Have you seen a doctor already?

No, just spots!

Doctor, doctor! You've got to help me - I just can't stop my hands shaking! Do you drink a lot?

Not really - I spill most of it!

Doctor, doctor! I've got a cricket ball stuck in my bottom. How's that?

Oh, don't you start...

Doctor, doctor! I can't help thinking I'm a goat. How long have you felt like this?

Since I was a kid!

Doctor, doctor! I've become a kleptomaniac. Have you taken anything for it?

So far a TV, three sofas and a necklace!

Doctor, doctor! I couldn't drink my medicine after my bath like you told me. Why not?

Well after I've drunk my bath I haven't got room for the medicine!

Doctor, doctor! I keep thinking I'm a dog! Do take a seat.

I can't - Mum says I'm not allowed on the furniture!

Doctor, doctor! What can you give me for wind?

Nothing, but I can lend you a kite!

Doctor, doctor! Help, I feel like a pair of curtains.

Pull yourself together then!

Doctor, doctor! I feel like a pack of cards!

I'll deal with you later!

Doctor, doctor! I think I’ve lost my memory! When did this happen?

When did what happen?

Doctor, doctor! I keep thinking I’m a bridge! Goodness, what's come over you?

Ten cars, a tractor and the number 68 bus!

Doctor, doctor! I keep thinking I’m a cat! How long has this been going on?

Since I was a kitten!

Doctor, doctor I've swallowed a fish bone. Are you choking?

No, I really did!

Doctor, doctor! I keep thinking I'm a moth. You need a psychiatrist not a doctor!

I know, but I was walking past and I saw your light was on!

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