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26 Fascinating & Fun Food Facts You Didn’t Know!

These fascinating food facts will tickle your mind’s taste buds!

Food isn’t just delicious, it’s also really weird! These tasty food facts will really feed your brain!  If you liked these food facts, check out more weird and fun facts here! If you’d like to test your food knowledge, we’ve got some great food quizzes too.  And if you’re looking for more challenges, check out our Geography quizzes

1. You can’t taste as well if you hold your nose!

If you ever want to know how important your nose is, hold it while you eat something! It won’t taste nearly as good! That’s because your nose is almost as important for tasting food as your tongue is! That’s why nothing tastes as good when you have a cold! 

2. Apples, potatoes and fish and chips are all foreign food!

Yes, turns out NONE of these commons foods are native to Britain! The Romans introduced apples, along with lots of other things like cherries, onions and turnips, while potatoes were brought back from America by explorers like Walter Raleigh. As for fish and chips, originally fish was fried on a Friday to preserve it by Eastern European Jewish people  so they could eat it the next day. It became popular in Victorian Britain due to immigration! 

3. Coca Cola used to be a medicine!

When Coke was originally sold in 1886, it was marketed as a tonic to help people feel better. And the reason they felt so much better is because coke used to be full of dangerous drugs! 

4. Peanuts aren’t nuts!

Techincally, peanuts aren’t a nut at all – they’re actually part of the legume family. Other legumes include peas, lentils and beans.  But the protein in peanuts is similar to most nuts, so we group them together!

5. Rotten eggs float

If you want to tell how fresh an egg is, place it in a glass of water. If it sinks, it’s fresh! But if it floats, it’s rotten! Try it yourself! 

6. The biggest ever pizza was 122 feet wide!

It was made in South Africa in 1990, and had nearly 4,000 pounds of cheese on it! Wow! Could you eat that much pizza?

7. Carrots used to be purple!

In the 17th century, when carrots were first introduced to Europe, they were purple. Some people think they were changed to orange  to honour the Dutch royal family, the House of Orange. How did they do it?  By carefully cross-breeding different shades of carrot until orange ones were produced! Would you change a vegetable’s colour to impress the queen? 

8. Honey never goes off!

Most food has a sell-by date, but not honey! Honey is basically just sugar, which keeps for a very long time. So long, in fact, that edible honey has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs! 

9. Lemons float, limes sink

More floating food! This time, lemons and limes. Although they may look almost identical and limes are smaller, limes are denser than lemons, which means if you put one in a glass of water, it will sink! 

10. Bananas are berries!

Yup! And what’s more, a strawberry isn’t! In botany (the study of plants) berry is a term which means, among other things, a fruit with three layers. Which  a banana has, but a strawberry doesn’t! So technically, bananas, tomatoes and kiwis all count as berries, but raspberries and strawberries don’t!  

11. Chocolate is older than you think

Your fave choccy bar is probably Cadbury or maybe a Mars Bar, but chocolate has been around for so much longer than either – about 4,000 years in fact! It originally came from ancient Mesoamerica in Mexico, and was used in religious rituals and as medicine (wouldn’t THAT be nice?)

Brown chocolate

12. Spag bol isn’t really Italian

If you’re a pasta lover spaghetti bolognese is probably one of your favourite dishes. But it’s actually more British than Italian! It became popular in the UK after WW2, when lots of new immigrants were arriving in the country. The Italian version is made with a different kind of pasta and the sauce is different, too.

Spaghetti Bolognese

13. Candy floss has SO MANY NAMES

It’s a classic fairground treat that’s usually called “candy floss” in the UK… but this sugary snack has a different name in just about every country. In the US it’s called cotton candy, and in Australia it’s known as fairy floss. It gets weirder in other languages – the Italian name translates as “sugar thread”, and in Afrikaans it’s spookily called “ghost’s breath.” Strangest of all might the French name, which means “dad’s beard”!

Candy floss

14. Spain has a unique approach to dinner

What time do you usually eat dinner? In Spain people sometimes wait until 10pm to have their tea! There’s a couple of reasons for this, though. First it’s usual in Spain for everyone to take a long, late lunch break because it’s hot in the middle of the day, so you wouldn’t be very hungry again until much later in the evening. Second and strangest of all, Spain is actually in the wrong time zone! It should be on Greenwich Mean Time along with the UK and Morocco, but the timezone was changed in 1940 to be the same as the rest of central Europe. No one changed their mealtimes, so now people just eat later.

Spanish food on a table

15. Some fruits are related to flowers

Are roses your favourite flower? You might be amazed to learn that they’re very closely related to lots of kinds of fruit, including raspberries, apples, pears and cherries. Lots of types of roses are also edible and used in pastries and in Middle Eastern and North African cooking – it’s an interesting flavour!

Pineapple and Broccoli

16. The first food eaten in space might not be what you think

The first human in space was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, and he ate food kept in tubes like toothpaste. His meal was a kind of meat puree, followed by a squeezable chocolate sauce. John Glenn, the first American in space, also had squeezed meat and followed it up with apple sauce. Yum or yuck?

A spaceman in space eating a burger

17. Tacos are very versatile

Speaking of space food… luckily it’s a lot nicer for astronauts nowadays. A favourite food to eat in space is the classic Mexican dish the taco – not only because they’re delicious, but apparently they’re a lot less messy in zero gravity! Taco means “light lunch”, but you can really put anything inside one and make it into a huge meal. Next time you’re tucking into a massive taco packed with all your favourite ingredients, try to imagine if it would be easier to eat it with no gravity!

Laughing Taco

18. This Chinese delicacy will take you a LONG time to make

One unusual dish from China is known as the “century egg”, also sometimes called the “thousand year egg” or “leather egg”. If you want to make this, you have to take an egg and wrap it in a mixture that includes clay, salt and ash, wrap it further in a rice husk, store it in a basket – and then leave it for as long as several months. Not exactly a quick weeknight dinner!

Chinese egg delicacy

19. There is a cheese that is ILLEGAL

Don’t worry, you won’t be arrested for possession of a cheddar sandwich. What you can’t do is buy casu martzu, a type of cheese from Sardinia in Italy that is full of live maggots. Really. The cheese is outlawed in Europe and in the US because it’s not safe to eat maggots (obviously!), but locals still make the cheese and sell it on the black market.

Illegal cheese

20. Hot dogs have caused a hot debate

The US state of New York officially categorises hot dogs as sandwiches, which makes sense – it’s between two bits of bread, after all. But lots of people think that the hot dog doesn’t count as a sandwich, and even want to argue about what a sandwich actually is. The president of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (yep, that’s real) said that calling a hot dog a sandwich is like calling the Dalai Lama “just a guy.” What do you think?

Hot Dogs

21. Pizza toppings are serious business

America eats the most pizza of any country in the world, and the most popular topping is pepperoni, with two-thirds of the country preferring it. The least popular one is anchovies. Pineapple is also unpopular, but people who love pineapple pizza REALLY love it! What’s your take?

Question mark

22. Christmas dinner in Japan is pretty different

You probably enjoy a turkey dinner with veggies and chipolatas on Christmas, day. But in Japan the most popular food for Christmas day is… a KFC! Christmas isn’t as big of a deal in Japan as it is in the UK, so the food choice is a lot more casual.

Chickens in Japan

23. Ketchup used to be medicine

Lots of foods started off being sold as miracle cures, and ketchup was one of them. In the 1830s a man named Dr. John Cook Bennett thought it could cure lots of different ailments, including indigestion and jaundice. We’re pretty sure that doesn’t work…

Tomato Ketchup

24. You can eat the world’s most expensive burger in the Netherlands

You could go to McDonalds and get a cheeseburger for next to nothing… or you could go to Voorthuizen in the Netherlands and get a “Golden Boy” burger. It’s made from high-quality Japanese beef, white truffles, expensive ham, onions cooked in champagne, caviar and king crab, all served in a bun coated with gold leaf. Sound nice? Well, it’ll set you back €5,000. Start saving!

Burger King

25. The smelliest food in the world has caused chaos

The smelliest food in the world is thought to be surströmming, a Swedish delicacy of canned fermented herring. The smell is so strong it usually eaten outdoors. It isn’t very popular outside of Sweden though – in Germany a man was evicted for spreading the fermented fish in the stairwell of his flat building. The landlord won the case in court when he opened up a can of surströmming to demonstrate how bad it smelled!

Woman holding a smelly fish

26. White chocolate isn’t chocolate!

It doesn’t contain any chocolate solids and is just a blend of vanilla, sugar, milk, lecithin, and cocoa butter.

Man eating chocolate egg