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Are You An Introvert or an Extrovert? Quiz

Are you the life and soul of the party or do you prefer to be by yourself? Find out where on the introvert/extrovert scale you are with this extra-silly quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Everyone likes a good chat... and everyone likes their own company too! But how much you like one or the other might mean you're an introvert (someone who looks in on themselves) or an extrovert (someone who looks out). Where are you on the scale? Take this super-scientific* personality quiz and we'll tell you!

*It's not really scientific. But it is fun!


What's your favourite subject at school?

2/10 A French horn

What was the last thing you listened to?


Which of these places would you rather hang out in for the day?


You've just bumped into an old friend. How do you say hi?

5/10 A dog dressed as a cowboy

What kind of hat would you rather wear?


How do you feel about being the centre of attention?

7/10 People exchanging Christmas gifts

What's your favourite time of year?


You sit next to someone on the bus and you SWEAR you've seen them before. What do you do?


Pick a word:


Which of these things is most embarassing?

You're an introvert!

You're an introvert - and there's nothing wrong with that! You don't like being the centre of attention and would much rather just get on with the things you like to do. This doesn't mean you're boring - it just means you don't like to shout about stuff and show off all the time! Have we got this one right? If you think this result is wrong, have another go and see if you get a different result!

You're an extrovert!

You're an extrovert - and everyone knows it! You love sharing your thoughts and feelings with everyone, and have the most fun when things are LOUD and exciting. You're not a show-off or a loud mouth, you just like to have a good time! Have we got this one right? If you think this result is wrong, have another go and see if you get a different result!

You're a little bit introverted!

You're mostly an introvert - and usually prefer to do your own thing and not be the centre of attention all the time. We say usually... because if the time is right you can come out of your shell and be just as loud and enthusiastic as the biggest extrovert out there! Have we got this one right? If you think this result is wrong, have another go and see if you get a different result!

You're a little bit extroverted!

You're an extrovert... but not a big one! You love hanging out in groups and aren't afraid to speak up, take charge and let everyone know how you're feeling. But sometimes being an extrovert can be a bit exhausting... so it's nice to sneak off and have a bit of alone time too. Have we got this one right? If you think this result is wrong, have another go and see if you get a different result!

Vampire Chair

Trick or Treat?

Choose wisely...