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15 Ryan Gosling Facts That Are More Than Kenough

Why does his dog have a mohawk? Did he really lose loads of money opening a Moroccan restaurant? Find out with this list of weird and wonderful Ryan Gosling facts!

Ryan Gosling is one of the stars of the Barbie movie (not THE star obviously… that’s Barbie!) but that’s just one of his big accomplishments. Ryan is a talented actor and artist, and is very good at a whole load of things. But he’s also pretty famous for making bad decisions and doing slightly odd things… as you’ll find out from this ridiculous list of Ryan Gosling facts!

Looking for more Barbie stuff? Click here to find out which Ken you are, which Barbie career you should go for, or even Tell Us Your Favourite Taylor Swift Song and We’ll Tell You What % Barbie You Are! Who can resist that??

1. Ryan the Mouse

Mickey Mouse Jokes
Mickey Mouse Jokes

Ryan Gosling’s journey to stardom began when he was cast as a Mouseketeer on Disney Channel’s “The Mickey Mouse Club.” He shared the screen with future celebrities like Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, and even with his early talents he clearly fit right in!

2. Gosling isn’t anything to do with Geese

It’s tempting to think of Ryan Gosling as being related in some way to geese. But he is very much a human! The name Gosling likely comes from old French or Norse, and means “little God”. Other famous Goslings have included footballers, politicians, and women’s rights activists!

3. He had to work on his accent

@LadbibleTV | Youtube

Despite having a smooth American accent in movies, Ryan was born and raised in Canada – and had a thick Canadian accent growing up! He had to work hard to hide his accent during his acting career. But it’s quite funny to imagine his roles with him speaking in a heavy Canadian accent instead!

4. He could’ve been a Backstreet Boy!

A big pop concert

Weirdly, at the start of his career Gosling was offered a spot in the popular boy band Backstreet Boys – but turned it down to pursue acting. His decision led him down a different path, eventually leading to his roles in films like “The Notebook” and “Drive.” He always could’ve called up his old mate Justin Timberlake and seen if NSYNC had any spare places going!

5. He’s really good at dancing!

So we saw in Barbie that Ryan is very good at dancing – but he’s had lots of practise in his other films too! He took intensive training in tap dancing for his role in “La La Land” (2016), and he really shows off his impressive skills in the film’s musical numbers. Tappetty tap tap!

6. He’s in a lot of memes

One of the first memes Ryan was in was the “Hey Girl” meme – where a serious looking Ryan tells some (usually very silly) chat-up lines. Ryan has even talkied about these memes in interviews, so he’s clearly seen them! He’s obviously been in lots of Barbie related memes too – but more on that soon!

7. He opened a Morrocan restaurant once

Ryan loves Moroccan food, and decided it’d be a good to open a restaurant in LA called Tagine. The restaurant almost bankrupted him, and he even did a load of work on it himself – including all the plumbing! He really must like Moroccan food!

8. His role in Barbie was a huge success

@buzzfeedceleb | Youtube

Barbie is an amazing film! Everyone rightly loved Margot Robbie’s performance as Barbie herself – but Ryan got a lot of praise for his role as Ken too. In fact, he might be up for an Oscar for it! Watch this space, Ryan Gosling fans!

9. His dog has a mohawk!

Ryan Gosling’s best friend is his dog George – a rescue dog that he took in. One summer Ryan shaved a mohican haircut into his dog, and then the next summer George barked at Ryan until he shaved another one in! Ryan swears that giving his dog a mohican keeps both of them in a good mood!

10. He’s an artist!

@GQ | Youtube

As well as being a world-clas actor, Ryan is a talented artist! He loves painting, and has even shown off his work in exhibitions. He’s also in a band called Dead Man’s Bones – and he’s the frontman! Is there anything this guy can’t do? Well… maybe!

11. He’s made some tattoo mistakes

A tattoo machine and blue splats

Gosling needed a tattoo of a scorpion for his role in the film “The Place Beyond the Pines”. Obviously, this should have been a temporary tattoo. But the tattoo artist accidentally made it a permanent one. Gosling decided to keep it as a reminder of the film, which kind of makes it ok! Ryan is clearly fine with tattoos as he even did his own ones!

12. He’s also a director

Ryan has also had a go at directing movies! He directed his first movie in 2014 – “Lost River”. Lost River got pretty mixed reviews, so maybe his directing skills still aren’t totally ready for the public. He’s done a few since though, and anyway – he can’t be the best at everything. That wouldn’t be fair on everyone else!

13. He does odd things sometimes

As you might have guessed from the dog mohican or Moroccan restaurant, sometimes Ryan does unusual things. Another one of those things was living in a tent for 2 months whilst making the movie “Fracture”. Apparently this was quite an annoying one for the producers, who often couldn’t find him for long periods of time!

14. He’s done lots of work for charity

Ryan has devoted time and money to all kinds of good causes – AIDS research, poverty aid and humane animal treatment. He’s supported all sorts of things ranging from the condition of refugees to the practices of slaughterhouses. He went to Chad in the year 2005 to make a documentary about the Darfur refugees living there, and did the same thing in the Congo!

15. He’s Ken-ough

As anyopne who’s seen the Barbie movie knows, Ken’s story is also really important – and shows how creating a society that treats women badly also has bad effects on men too. Ryan Gosling has totally got behond this idea, and you can see it in his amazing perfromance as Ken. He’s definitely Kenough!