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59 Thanksgiving Jokes Which Aren't a Load of Turkey!

Beano's Thanksgiving jokes are so funny, you'll be thankful you read them!

Beano Jokes Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024

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Fun fact: There are four towns in the United States named “Turkey.”

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What’s the difference between a turkey and a chicken?

Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving!

How many bakers does it take to make an apple pie?


A young baker

Why did the turkey start a band?

They had drumsticks!

What does a vampire call Thanksgiving?


What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to?

Plymouth Rock!

What smells the best on Thanksgiving?

Your nose!

What did the Pilgrims use to make cookies on Thanksgiving?

May flour!

What comes at the beginning of Thanksgiving parades?

The letter 't'!

Why is corn so popular at Thanksgiving?

Because it’s a-maize-ing!

What do cows do for Thanksgiving?

Eat dinner and watch a moo-vie!

What’s the best way to stuff a turkey?

Serve them lots of pizza and potatoes!

What does a turkey give thanks for at Thanksgiving?


Why didn’t the cook season the turkey?

They ran out of thyme!

A chef

Why do turkeys lay eggs?

Because if they dropped them, they would smash!

What characters on Star Trek are half alien and half turkey?

The Wing-ons!

Why did the pilgrims’ trousers keep falling down?

Because they wore their belt buckles on their hats!

Who was the singer on the Mayflower?

Sailor Swift!

What do lumberjacks do after Thanksgiving?

Go chopping!

What do wrestlers have for dessert at Thanksgiving?

Grapple pie!

WWE jokes

What do you call a turkey running around a cinema?


What happened to the genie who appeared at Thanksgiving?

Everyone was granted three dishes!

What did the turkey say to the computer?

Google, Google, Google!

Why did the mashed potato cross the road?

To get to the other sides!

A dish of mashed potato

What is always at the end of Thanksgiving?


What Thanksgiving treat is always on thechildren's table?

Crayon-berry sauce!

Where did the Pilgrims stand after reaching Plymouth Rock?

On the ground!

What did Dad say when he was asked to say grace?


A dad gives his adult son a playful headlock

Why was the Thanksgiving dinner haunted?

There was a poultry-geist!

What do you call rain on Thanksgiving?

Fowl weather!

How did the peas feel when everyone ate the mashed potatoes?

They were green with envy!

Mushy peas

What did the leftover turkey say?

Make me a sandwich!

A sandwich on a wooden floor

What Thanksgiving dish combines technology and dairy?

Mac and cheese!

I served some cheese at Thanksgiving...

Everyone said it was grate!

What did the turkey say when they met the President?

Pardon me!

The president's house, which is painted white

Why did the turkey stand on stilts?

Because nobody eat flamingos at Thanksgiving!

Flamingo Jokes Thumbnail
Flamingo Jokes Thumbnail

What do call a turkey running around at Thanksgiving?

Fast food!

What's the best song to play while cooking a turkey?

All about that baste!

What do you call someone who bakes a new dessert at Thanksgiving?

A real pie-oneer!

A slice of apple pie

What does a bowler and a family at Thanksgiving have in common?

They both want a turkey!

A massive turkey

What's the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?

A tur-key!

A couple wearing Thanskgiving turkey costumes

What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?

Pumpkin pi!

A pumpkin pie

What does Chuck Norris wear to Thanksgiving dinner?

A har-vest!

Chuck Norris Jokes

What do you call the age of a pilgrim?

A pilgrim-age!

Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?

The outside!

A turkey

What does Miley Cyrus eat for Thanksgiving?

Hannah Banana pie!

Who doesn't eat on Thanksgiving?

A turkey because it's always stuffed!

Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?

It had 24 carrots!

Why do turkeys hate the kitchen on Thanksgiving?

It smells fowl.

Someone made a smell

Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?

Yes, of course! A building can’t jump at all!

A person thinking about spelling

What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving?


If pilgrims were alive today, what would they be known for?

Being really really old!

What’s the difference between a pirate and a cranberry farmer?

A pirate buries his treasure, but a cranberry farmer treasures his berries!

What sound does a limping turkey make?

Wobble, wobble!

Why did the farmer have to separate the chicken and the turkey?

He sensed fowl play!

What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter on Thanksgiving Day?

Quack, quack!

What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede?

Drumsticks for everyone on Thanksgiving Day!

Why do pilgWhat do sweet potatoes wear to bed? Yammies!


What is a turkey’s favourite dessert?

Peach gobbler!

Grumpy peaches

Why did the turkey cross the road?

It was Thanksgiving Day, and it wanted people to think it was a chicken!

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